Tuesday, June 21, 2011

radical feeling

today marks the end of the semester for my summer semester classes... color me ecstatic! now i can concentrate on PACKING for our trip to the beautiful northeast!

i simply cannot wait. i need a vacay and it will be here before we know it...SUNDAYYYY, in fact! don't you worry, i have had a list ready for about a week now...all i have to do now is start checking it off.

a good friend gave me the cutest "yellow peace" camera along with 35mm film to use on the trip. it is a wide angle lens camera that takes vignetting effect photos! pretttty rad.

adorable, right?

just had to jot down the excitement inside... packing time.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

goals for twenty five

i decided although not too many exciting changes come with the age 25 (able to rent a car), i am going to set a few small but important personal goals. while exploring the interweb i stumbled upon a few new sites for healthy happier lives and that is exactly what i want. in effort to improve my life i came up with this list:

1. extend dog walks. - not only will i enjoy outside and strolling the hood, but the fidos will appreciate the extra breather.

2. GO TO THE GYM. - told myself it wouldn't like this, but i am paying for a membership and neglecting the action of doing. this is the one thing i should be spending my extra time and money on. continue yoga. - i recently ordered a yoga video i love. i am going to keep it up and if nothing else use it to "let go of the day".

3. eat more veggies. - my fruit and veggie intake is rather high, but it never hurts to up it that much more.

4. limit one cup of coffee in the morning. - instead of guzzling the 3 o'clock cup i am going to make a conscious effort to take a short walk or eat a handful of nuts for more energy.
5. read more. - even it is just an article, a blog entry, or small book. i love to read and i don't do enough of it for pleasure.

small, simple, and most important doable.


despite the fact my attendance was required in class yesterday morning i had the most amazing birthday. the day was spent with a good friend from key west, walking around downtown west palm beach enjoying good company and delicious food. it was sunny, hot and breezy & i wouldn't expect anything less from june 15th.
every year this day makes me so aware and thankful of all of my wonderful friends and family. i received the most thoughtful gifts i just can't stop admiring.

our dinner at the bamboo fire cafe was heavenly. i ordered the balsa, which is a white fish and the chef (beverly a jamaican women who owns the place with her husband) prepared it roasted in banana leaves topped with peppers, onion, and sweet potato. i am kicking myself today for not taking photos of said meal it was a beautiful site to see.
it gets even better. the hockey team i have adopted as my own and have been completely loyal to WON THE STANLEY CUP!!!! duffys, a sports bar down the road, has become a familiar spot for the ole guy and i. we have enjoyed getting to know the bartenders and cheering for the bruins.
fabulous day turned into a riveting evening.