Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"eat food, not too much, mostly plants"

Childhood obesity has become more than a major problem in the U.S. Over the last 25 years the total amount of energy consumed has increased along with the prevalence of obesity. More than TWICE as many children are over weight than in 1908. Wow, that is not ok. Not only are these poor children affected health wise but also socially and psychologically. They are less likely to be accepted by their peers and are ridiculed more often. How sad! Something that seems so preventable has become an outrageous issue for this country we live in. Thankfully, Michelle Obama launched a campaign in 2010 called ‘Lets Move’ that is trying to fix the problems that are causing childhood obesity. Their goal is to get healthier foods into schools and also make food more affordable for families. IS their any hope for future children? I sure hope so, all it takes is a little at home cooking and buying local produce, right? Staying away from processed ("edible like substances" ,Pollan) foods and sodas can make a HUGE difference in a child's life, not to mention set a good example for their later years. Children learn by example, meaning their eating patterns, attitudes and eating styles of parents are heavily influence what they learn to eat. So, when a parent drinks milk, chooses whole grains and eats plenty of fruits and veggies it is more likely the child will follow their lead. Help children establish healthy patterns, it is a serious issue with an 'easy fix'. So, come on ya'll, LET'S MOVE!!! ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

road to success

Do you ever become so frustrated with the "real world" that you start to explore your "other options"? what does any of this mean anyway? the REAL WORLD? most people would consider the period of time after graduating college and beginning a new career to be the real world. well then what the hell do you consider juggling your "career" with school? sometimes i feel so uptight and like i have no time( OR money for that matter) to do anything extra with my time. all i EVER want out of life is that EXTRA time. where do i sign up for the jobs that allow you to travel to exotic places and see the world? i have a client who travels for her job quite often. she is going to europe for three weeks just to have two meetings. i can dream can't i?
i know i am rambling but i am up to my neck in school work this week and this entry is allowing for a small portion of my procrastination. :)
i have soo much school left, but hey, it will be worth it in the end, right??
until then i will continue to dream of said exotic places and adventure driven careers.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

vacay fever

ok ok, i am not gonna lie, i have the fever. i am so jealous of everyone going on vacay. i took a friend to the airport today so she could fly to PARIS and then amsterdam! one could only wish. those of you who have read my previous blogs ( a million of you, i'm sure! ) know that i have been dreaming of snowboarding since last feb. upon the return of my last adventure.
this is all just inspiration to save money and do something great this summer. i will admit, last summer kicked some serious ass, it is going to be hard to follow, but i'm sure the bf and i can scrounge some amazing endeavors. maybe somewhere tropical? maybe the northeast? or MAYBE right around the corner in good ole NOLA to munch on some notoriously delicious grub? who knows... but i can assure i will prevail and fun will be had these months to come in the world of jt $.

side note: we (simon) bought an awesome new toy yesterday that i am instantly obsessed with. he bought our friends nikon d3000. eee! i can't stop playing with it. a clutch tool for our next amazing emprise. eeeee!